시사정보 큐레이션/국내외 사회변동外(2)

▲[도널드 트럼프의 꽃놀이 패] 북한 접수-평정에 어느 옵션이든 가능하기에, 지 맘대로 튓 날리고 있다

배셰태 2018. 3. 13. 05:33

※트럼프 튓




Kim Jong Un talked about denuclearization with the South Korean Representatives, not just a freeze. Also, no missile testing by North Korea during this period of time. Great progress being made but sanctions will remain until an agreement is reached. Meeting being planned!




The deal with North Korea is very much in the making and will be, if completed, a very good one for the World. Time and place to be determined.




Chinese President XI JINPING and I spoke at length about the meeting with KIM JONG UN of North Korea. President XI told me he appreciates that the U.S. is working to solve the problem diplomatically rather than going with the ominous alternative. China continues to be helpful!




Spoke to Prime Minister Abe of Japan, who is very enthusiastic about talks with North Korea. Also discussing opening up Japan to much better trade with the U.S. Currently have a massive $100 Billion Trade Deficit. Not fair or sustainable. It will all work out!




North Korea has not conducted a Missile Test since November 28, 2017 and has promised not to do so through our meetings. I believe they will honor that commitment!




In the first hours after hearing that North Korea’s leader wanted to meet with me to talk denuclearization and that missile launches will end, the press was startled & amazed.They couldn’t believe it. But by the following morning the news became FAKE.They said so what, who cares!


트럼프의 꽃놀이 패...


[응, 핵과 미사일 개발 프로그램 중지했다고? 좋은 일이지. 경제-군사 양면 압박이 먹히고 있네... 어이, 김씨, 화끈하게 걷어내 봐...]


김정은이 빗장 열어주면, 스위스 구좌와 망명지와 신변안전을 보장해 주면서, 북한으로 무혈 입성해서 접수-평정 하면 되고...


김정은이 개기면, 팬 다음에 접수-평정하면 되고..


쿠데타 일어나 김정은 날라가면 혼란을 틈타 접수-평정하면 되고...


어느 옵션이든 가능하기에, 지 맘대로 튓 날리고 있다.


출처: 박성현(뱅모) 페이스북 2018.03.13

(이선본 대표)


[본문 상단 '트럼프 튓' 번역]