시사정보 큐레이션/국내외 사회변동外(2)

■■[미국 대선] 극좌파 CNN이 패닉에 빠졌다...트럼프 당선 가능성 발표('20.11.27)■■

배셰태 2020. 11. 28. 13:25

※CNN이 패닉에 빠졌다 


펜실베니아, 위스콘신, 애리조나, 조지아, 미시건 모두 공화당이 주의회를 장악하고 있는데, 주의회가 부정선거를 확신하고 부정선거를 이유로 선거를 무효화하거나 독자적인 선거인단을 보내면, 게임이 끝난다. 그런데 CNN이 패닉에 빠진 결정적인 이유는 펜실베니아 주의회가 선거인단 임명권을 직접 행사하겠다는 결의안 때문이다.

그 결의안에 내용이 중요한데, 주의회가 대단히 구체적으로 민주당이 장악한 주정부가 저지른 불공정한 선거관리, 일방적인 선거규칙 개정, improvised 즉흥적인 관리 규칙을 대단히 구체적으로 기술했고, 무엇보다도 "substantial irregularities"라는 표현을 쓰면서, 선거부정을 구체적으로 지적했다는 것이다.

민주당 패거리가 선거 부정을 저질렀기 때문에, 공화당은 이를 거부할 충분한 명분이 확보되었다는 뜻이다. 즉 주의회가 선거부정에 명확한 인식을 이미 가지고 있기 때문에, 주의회가 독자적으로 행동에 나서면 이를 막을 수 없기 때문이다.

한 주가 무너지면 다른 주도 도미노처럼 무너질 거란 것을 아는 거다. 의결서 내용을 보면 아주 구체적으로 기술되어 있다. 명분이 충분하다는 거다.

■BLACK FRIDAY PANIC: CNN Airs Possible Path for Trump 2020 Win(블랙 프라이데이 패닉 : CNN, 트럼프 2020 우승 가능성 발표)


  Declaring the results of statewide electoral contests in the 2020 General Election to be in dispute.

  WHEREAS, Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the United States  Constitution empowers state legislatures, including the General Assembly  of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to prescribe the “Times, Places,  and Manner” of conducting elections; and

  WHEREAS, Article II,  Section 1, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution empowers state  legislatures, including the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of  Pennsylvania, to direct the manner of appointing electors for President  and Vice President of the United States; and

  WHEREAS, the  General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has exercised its  authority to establish election administration procedures for the  Commonwealth, known as the Pennsylvania Election Code; and

   WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Election Code requires all mail-in ballots to  be received by eight o’clock P.M. on the day of the election; and

  WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Election Code requires election officials at  polling places to authenticate the signatures of in-person voters; and

  WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Election Code requires that county boards of  elections shall not meet to conduct a pre-canvass of all absentee and  mail-in ballots until seven o’clock A.M. on Election Day, during which  time defects on mail-in ballots would be identified; and

  WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Election Code prohibits the counting of defective absentee or mail-in ballots; and

  WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Election Code authorizes “watchers,”  selected by candidates and political parties, to observe the process of  canvassing absentee and mail-in ballots; and

  WHEREAS, the  Commonwealth conducted an election on November 3, 2020 for federal  offices, including selecting electors for President and Vice President  of the United States; and

  WHEREAS, officials in the Executive  and Judicial Branches of the Commonwealth infringed upon the General  Assembly’s authority under the United States Constitution by unlawfully  changing the rules governing the November 3, 2020 election in the  Commonwealth; and

  WHEREAS, on September 17, 2020, less than  seven weeks before the November 3, 2020 election, the partisan majority  on the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania unlawfully and  unilaterally extended the deadline for mail-in ballots to be received,  mandated that ballots mailed without a postmark would be presumed to be  received timely, and could be accepted without a verified voter  signature; and

  WHEREAS, on October 23, 2020, less than two  weeks before the November 3, 2020 election and upon a petition from the  Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of  Pennsylvania ruled that mail-in ballots need not authenticate signatures  for mail-in ballots, thereby treating in-person and mail-in voters  dissimilarly and eliminating a critical safeguard against potential  election crime; and

  WHEREAS, on November 2, 2020, the night  before the November 3, 2020 election and prior to the prescribed time  for pre-canvassing mail-in ballots, the office of the Secretary of the  Commonwealth encouraged certain counties to notify party and candidate  representatives of mail-in voters whose ballots contained defects; and

  WHEREAS, heavily Democrat counties permitted mail-in voters to cure  ballot defects while heavily Republican counties followed the law and  invalidated defective ballots; and

  WHEREAS, in certain  counties in the Commonwealth, watchers were not allowed to meaningfully  observe the pre-canvassing and canvassing activities relating to  absentee and mail-in ballots; and

  WHEREAS, in other parts of  the Commonwealth, watchers observed irregularities concerning the  pre-canvassing and canvassing of absentee and mail-in ballots; and

  WHEREAS, postal employees in Pennsylvania have reported anomalies  relating to mail-in ballots, including multiple ballots delivered to a  single address with unfamiliar addressees, ballots mailed to vacant  homes, empty lots, and addresses that did not exist; and

   WHEREAS, witnesses testifying before the Pennsylvania Senate Majority  Policy Committee on November 25, 2020 have provided additional  compelling information regarding the questionable nature of the  administration of the 2020 General Election; and

  WHEREAS,  there remains ongoing litigation concerning the administration of the  November 3, 2020 election in the Commonwealth; and

  WHEREAS,  in 2016, Pennsylvania’s general election results were certified on  December 12, 2016, and on November 24, 2020, the Secretary of the  Commonwealth unilaterally and prematurely certified results of the  November 3, 2020 election regarding presidential electors despite  ongoing litigation; and

  WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania House of  Representatives has the duty to ensure that no citizen of this  Commonwealth is disenfranchised, to insist that all elections are  conducted according to the law, and to satisfy the general public that  every legal vote is counted accurately;

  THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED that the Pennsylvania House of Representatives—

  1. Recognizes substantial irregularities and improprieties associated  with mail-in balloting, pre-canvassing, and canvassing during the  November 3, 2020 election; and

  2. Disapproves of the  infringement on the General Assembly’s authority pursuant to the United  States Constitution to regulate elections; and

  3. Disapproves  of and disagrees with the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s premature  certification of the results of the November 3, 2020 election regarding  presidential electors; and

  4. Declares that the selection of  presidential electors and other statewide electoral contest results in  this Commonwealth is in dispute; and

  5. Urges the Secretary  of the Commonwealth and the Governor to withdraw or vacate the  certification of presidential electors and to delay certification of  results in other statewide electoral contests voted on at the 2020  General Election; and

  6. Urges the United States Congress to declare the selection of presidential electors in this Commonwealth to be in dispute.
Please join us in cosponsoring this critical resolution.(이 중요한 결의안을 공동 후원하는 데 동참 해주십시오)

■It’s Happening: Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — DISPUTES STATEWIDE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS(일어나고 있습니다 : 펜실베니아 주 입법부 파일 해결 — 주 전체 2020 선거 결과에 대한 논쟁)